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Privacy Policy:
At SLPAPERS.WIKI, we are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our users. This Privacy Policy outlines the information we collect and how it is used. By using our website, you agree to the terms outlined in this policy.

1. Information Collected:
a.Personal Information:
- We may collect personal information such as name, email address, and school affiliation when users register on our site.
- Users may voluntarily provide additional information, such as graduation year or academic interests, to enhance their user experience.
b.Non-Personal Information:
- We collect non-personal information, such as IP addresses, browser type, and device information, to improve our website's performance and user experience.
2. Use of Information:
a.Personal Information:
- Personal information is used to create and manage user accounts.
- We may use email addresses to communicate with users regarding account-related matters, updates, and newsletters. Users can opt-out of these communications.
b. Non-Personal Information:
- Non-personal information is utilized to analyze user trends, improve site functionality, and enhance overall user experience.
3. Data Security:
a. We employ industry-standard security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.
4. Cookies:
a. SLPAPERS.WIKI may use cookies to enhance user experience and collect non-personal information. Users can manage cookie preferences through their browser settings.
5. Third-Party Links:
a. Our site may contain links to third-party websites. SLPAPERS.WIKI is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these external sites.
6. Sharing of Information:
a. Personal information is not sold, traded, or rented to third parties.
b. We may share non-personal, aggregated information for statistical analysis and site improvement.
7. Compliance with Laws:
a. SLPAPERS.WIKI complies with applicable data protection laws and regulations.
8. Policy Updates:
a. This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically. Users will be notified of any significant changes.
9. Contact Information:
a. For questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at [email protected].
10. Consent:
a. By using SLPAPERS.WIKI, users consent to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.
This policy is effective as of 22/01/2024.